H&S Accident Reporting Example

Richard Evans
January 3, 2024
Example H&S Accident Report form built with 360 Forms.
360 Forms streamlines business process improvement by automating workflows and cutting costs by efficiently connecting employees, customers, and suppliers.
Example H&S Accident Report form
Here is an example form.
An Accident Report form has been configured for the recruitment team.
By promptly reporting accidents, incidents, or near misses, the company can identify potential hazards and take corrective measures to prevent future occurrences, creating a safer work environment.
The form requires the user to enter full details of what took place to ensure the safety and well-being of employees.
The Health and Safety department has visibility of the form as soon as it’s created so they are aware of accident reports as details are being provided.
Once all mandatory inputs have been provided the form needs to be signed by the user and then sent via workflow to their line manager for review, before being sent to the Health and Safety department.
Configurable forms
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